Bariloche Mountains - Frey Refugio

Bariloche Mountains - Frey Refugio
Bariloche Mountains - Frey Refugio

NYC skyline

NYC skyline

Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day and Worms

Feeling that my worms could handle a long weekend (Memorial Day in the US) without me, I ventured with 5 friends to my house in Milford, Pennsylvania--where the grass turned out to be 15 inches high.   After an energetic friend, Jorge, attacked the hirsute grass, we struck out for hikes through the woods to the Sawkill creek and various waterfalls and swimming.   The sunny day provided warmth for splashing in creeks and hiking--despite a tick (of the dog tick variety without Lyme Disease) or two.

Inside, those with a more competitive stroke vied with each other with darts and Pictionary, and with the lawn trimmed down a bit, we tried a bit of croquet--though without the required British gin and tonic--and barbecued burgers, chicken, mushrooms.  

Great weekend and all the time, I was hopeful that my worms could survive in the city without me!  Returning to NYC, I found them chomping down on last week's salad.   All's well in the vermicomposting.  But, without rain, my pansies in the backyard were a droopy mess--probably the result of a dehydration death.  Oh well, life gives and takes.


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